1. We are an EMAIL SYSTEM. Whether you are scheduling regular classes/make-up classes, inquiring about our camps or Parent’s Night Out, or making any changes to your membership, you MUST send an email to (Even if everything is solved over the phone, our office staff will ask you to send us an email regarding the conversation.)
2. Make-Up Policy: In order to receive a makeup class, you need to let us know that the student will be absent by email at least one hour prior to the class beginning. Then after receiving a makeup class, you have until they expire to use them. All classes expire 3 months after the purchase date. (The 1st of the month when tuition is charged). During that time, let us know what day, class, and time you would like to use the makeup class. Please keep in mind that we do not schedule makeup classes further out than 1 week. Then the office staff will let you know what is available to schedule the makeup class. Makeups for additional classes can only be used while on an active membership (not freeze).
3. Freeze Policy: A freeze is a $10 monthly charge which keeps the account active and will be taken off a future month of tuition. So, if the account is on two months of freeze, then $20 will be taken off when returning to classes. Please note that this is charged to the card on file, even if the monthly tuition is charged to the account, and if an account is on freeze for longer than one month, the permanent class spot will be given up to other students on the waiting list. Then if the freeze will ever need to be adjusted or extended let the office know by email before the 1st of the next month as freeze payments do not auto-renew. The longest any account can be placed on freeze at one time is a 6-month period. (Charter Funds are not able to be allocated for FREEZE payments)
4. Contract Length: All contracts (memberships) continue indefinitely until discontinuation via email notice to
5. Discontinue Policy: A discontinue is completely deactivating the account, meaning you would need to repay the $105 registration fee upon returning to Firestorm. An email is required before the 1st of the next paid month. You will remain an active member until the notice duration has ended and discontinuation occurs. You may discontinue at any time through email notice while on a tuition paying month. All makeup classes immediately expire at the same time as the discontinuation activates and freeze does not count towards the discontinuation policy month notice. Membership Discontinuations can be sent via email while on Freeze, but you are responsible for paying 1 last paid month of tuition.
6. Late Policy: If you miss the warm-up portion of the class (the first 10 minutes), you will not be allowed to take a class for that hour. If you know you are going to be more than 5 minutes late, call our front office (951.653.7737), to see if it may be possible to warm up separately. This is not always a guaranteed option. We do have a hard cap at 15 minutes late.
7. Late for Payment Policy: If we do not receive Tuition Payment by the 10th of the applicable month, a $15 Late Fee will be billed to the Account and the total Tuition & Late Fee balance will be charged to the card on file. Accounts that are delinquent for more than 90 days will be sent to collections.
8. No Show: If you do not show up to your regularly scheduled class for 3 consecutive weeks with no email notice, your reserved class spot(s) will be opened up to other families and students.
9. Annual Insurance Fee: An Annual Insurance Fee of $50 per account will be charged on January 1st to the card on file each year. This will apply to all Firestorm members regardless if the account is on an active membership or freeze. An active membership is a Class Membership, Charter, or Homeschool Discount.
10. Max Memberships: A max membership allows the student to take unlimited classes here at Firestorm. The student will be granted 4 permanent weekly class spots, and any additional classes the student would like to take per week must be made through a reservation with the front office first through email to ensure that the class requested for the week has available space. You will also receive a 20% discount on apparel and special events (camps, parents’ nights out, etc.) and free open gyms!
1. You are responsible for the student’s tuition payment. On the first of each month, the student’s tuition for the month will be charged to their Firestorm account. When charter funds are received in the student’s name, those funds will be placed in that same Firestorm account. If 6 weeks pass from the date services are purchased and the account balance remains negative, the card on file will be charged the difference.
2. Switching Membership Types: In order to switch from a charter to homeschool discount membership, or vise versa, you will need to EMAIL our office staff and inform them of the change you wish to make on your Firestorm account. It is NOT an automatic process. So even if charter funds have been submitted, you will still need to send an email to to finalize the membership change. This also applies to freezing or discontinuing the account as listed in the above MEMBER POLICIES section.
3. All regular MEMBER POLICIES written above apply to charter/homeschool accounts.
1. What to Wear to Class:
Make sure to wear clothes that you feel comfortable moving around in. You will not want to wear any jewelry or clothing that may restrict your ability to move, or anything so loose it may get caught on a bar or edge of a wall.
Make sure to bring closed-toed Athletic SHOES with you. Shoes that are lightweight, flexible, and have grippy bottoms are best. Do NOT wear sandals or crocs.
For Aerial Silks specifically: absolutely no denim clothes (zippers, buttons, or rivets), metal, or jewelry of any kind! This is dangerous to both the Athlete and could potentially rip our beautiful silks. For the best experience with silks we recommend a top with sleeves or long-sleeved, an undershirt tank top long enough to stay tucked in, and bottoms that are stretchy and cover the back of the knees! We also recommend skin tight for bottoms but joggers are acceptable as long as they are not baggy. Our male aerialists can wear athletic shorts with leggings to cover the back of their knees! (:
2. Absolutely no food, drinks or gum on the Spring Floor/Activity Floor!
Food and drinks are allowed inside the facility but must stay on the concrete floor for consumption.
3. No chewing gum inside the facility at ANY point in time.
4. We require safety glasses when playing with NERF and foam arrows. They will be provided by the facility.
5. More than 1 Trial Day may be necessary before official Membership Signup: There may be listening skills, direction following, and understanding from students that are needed to join regularly in Classes due to safety concerns.
As we operate several Classes at once at specific times, running away from Classes or not listening to Coaches instructions may pose as a danger to themselves, other Students, and Coaches.
We may suggest another Trial Day, Open Gym time, and/or Private Lessons before signup.
6. We have the right to refuse service to anyone.